Become a Host Parish
Are you ready to bring Kingdom Builders to your home parish?
Kingdom Builders is a mission that invites all women to receive the Father’s love. Local Core Teams at their own parishes help their fellow sisters receive that love through Scripture, a Teaching, and Eucharist Adoration. Local Core Teams are given Planning Tools from Kingdom Builders so they may embrace the beauty of their design.

The very first step is a readiness self-assessment. No matter where you fall in your answers, Kingdom Builders will meet you where you are, and provide resources so that you can bring Kingdom Builders to your parish.
Readiness Self-Assessment
Has the Holy Spirit prompted you in prayer to bring Kingdom Builders to your parish?
Would your parish priest be open to a new women’s ministry?
Do you have access to women (about 7-9) that would be willing to join you on this mission?
Are you comfortable with technology?
Can you dedicate 5 hours to the ministry a month?

There are three possible outcomes for your results. You are ready now, You are not ready yet, or You might be ready in the future. Look below to find your next step.

If you answered YES to all 5 Questions - You are READY!
Your next step is to email to order your inquiry kit!

If you answered YES to less than 4 Questions - We have resources to HELP!
CLICK HERE to access Tools to Become a Host Parish Page that will help you prepare to bring Kingdom Builders to your parish.

If you answered NO to all than 5 Questions - There is room for your READINESS to GROW!
Many of our parishes started by answering no to many of these questions. But over time, with prayer, discernment and preparation, they were able to bring Kingdom Builders to the women of their parish.
Here’s what we recommend for you:
CLICK HERE to access our Tools to Become a Host Parish Page that will help you prepare to bring Kingdom Builders to your parish.
Grow closer to the love of Jesus through our podcasts, small group formations or by listening to the music of our gatherings. You can also join the online conversation through Facebook or Instagram.