Tools for Prayer
Here’s how you can place yourself in relationship with the Holy Spirit and be open to the mission:

Placing ourselves in the most perfect worship model helps us center our prayer life in profound ways. Ask Jesus to help you, especially after receiving Him in holy communion.

This is prayer that is done during the exposure and enshrinement of the Blessed Sacrament. Many churches offer this weekly and some even have dedicated Adoration chapels. Check and see what parishes around you offer this powerful gift.

This novena was revealed to Servant of God Don Dolindo Ruotolo by Christ to help us in those moments when life feels overwhelming and out of control. It is a way for us to turn to Jesus and rest in his triumphing love and mercy. CLICK HERE for a link to this beautiful novena. (For more information about novenas in general and this novena specifically CLICK HERE).

This litany was written by Sr. Faustina Maria Pia of the Sisters of Life. It was written to help us place our trust more completely in Christ and to deliver us from the things that are keeping us from him. CLICK HERE for a PDF of this litany.

This is the prayer that Mary proclaims at the Annunciation in response to the Angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she will bear Jesus the Son of God. This puts us in position to be the handmaiden of the Lord. CLICK HERE for a copy of this prayer.